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Probac Social

“Probac Social” project begun in 1987, and for more than 30 years we have been concerned with our employees, taking care, carrying out campaigns and celebrations, in addition to encouraging academic progress with financial support in training courses and university. In addition to our employees, we have supported several other social and cultural causes, such as the Casulo de Bragança Paulista Project, the Candinho Project, Brinquedo Vivo Institute, Lalec, NacTales, and several others. In 2019 we decided to formalize and publicize Probac's concern with others, both in social, cultural and even environmental aspects, knowing the importance of supporting serious and ethical causes in the sustainability of the planet.


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Rua Jaguaribe, 35 - Santa Cecília - São Paulo - CEP: 01224-001

+55 11 3367-4777

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